SB Investment Group
Main information about SB Investment Group company
Brokerage company SB Investment Group provides traders with access to the currency market at affordable prices. The company actively expands its range of products, attracting over 140,000 clients. The official website is available in English and Japanese.
Working conditions and trading instruments of SB Investment Group
SB Investment Group offers optimal trading conditions. The company provides round-the-clock support and access to the Mobius Soft trading platform, compatible with various devices. Trading operations can be conducted on the MT7 platform from any device.
The trader’s arsenal includes currency pairs, commodities, stocks, indices, and futures.
Trading accounts at SB Investment Group
The company offers the opportunity to open a demo account for learning and testing trading strategies. It is also recommended to participate in the partnership program and thoroughly review feedback before starting trading.
Deposits and withdrawals
To start trading, registration in the personal account, depositing funds, and successful trading are required. Conditions for fund withdrawals and commissions should be clarified on the website.
Overview information
SB Investment Group offers a wide range of trading instruments and services for traders. Detailed information about the company and its services can be found on the official website.