Sluzhba protivodeystviya i kontrolya finansovykh narusheniy

Information about our company Anti-Financial Fraud and Control Service


Our company is represented by several landing pages on the web, each of which is named “Anti-Financial Fraud and Control Service”. Our services and content are almost identical on all sites, but we deliberately create different page designs for user convenience.

What does our diversity represent?

Anti-Financial Fraud and Control Service is a legal organization specializing in recovering lost funds related to dishonest actions of brokers. We also assist clients working with MFIs, banks, internet platforms, and insurance companies.

Our company guarantees confidentiality and professionalism in its work. We value the trust of each client and offer effective solutions for fund recovery.

Service cost and workflow

You can find out information about the cost of our company’s services during a consultation. We provide the first free consultation, during which our specialists will determine the prospects for fund recovery and outline the financial reward for their work.

  • Completing the feedback form to receive a consultation;

  • Evaluating the prospects of fund recovery and specifying the financial reward;

  • Commencing cooperation with client’s consent.

Details of the contract are discussed during the consultation.

Fund recovery procedure

Our company uses the standard chargeback procedure to recover funds stolen by scammers. We cooperate with state authorities such as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, and others.

  • Preparing a transaction dispute statement;

  • Sending documents to the issuing bank;

  • Checking the possibility of fund recovery by an international payment system;

  • Final decision by the acquiring bank or broker.

To expedite the fund recovery process, we recommend clients to provide all necessary documents confirming cooperation with the broker.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Anti-Financial Fraud and Control Service

One of our advantages is strong connections in law enforcement agencies and computer security bodies. Our company successfully recovers funds from various brokerage platforms.

However, we also acknowledge a disadvantage in the excessive secrecy of our company. We strive to be as confidential as possible, which can sometimes cause difficulties for clients in obtaining information about our services.

Reviews about our company on the web

You will find little information about our company on the internet, but we value every review and aim to improve our services. Please share your opinion about us!



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