Main information about SVIKK Academy

Let’s consider the main aspects of the work and offerings of SViKK Academy. On the company’s official website, you can find the section “About Us,” which, instead of telling the organization’s history, presents a mission formulated somewhat roughly as “to open people’s eyes” to the essence of financial markets in their broad understanding: from speculative deals to pension savings formation.

In the “Team” section, there are photos of President Stanislav Polovitsky and Vice President Sergey Remety. Information about the leaders’ experience is presented clearly. The website also includes videos of speeches and photo materials to confirm the identity of the school’s key figures. However, team members are only presented with photos and pseudonyms.

Education Program and Course Fees

The “Product List” section includes 17 different courses on topics ranging from basic overviews to specialized areas such as cryptocurrency trading and trading psychology strategies. Some course titles and descriptions are more promotional than informational, promising quick results and profits.

For example, the “Fast Money” course offers instructions, after which the client can earn their first money on the Forex market. The cost of this course is $97. The “Young Fighter Course” priced at $500 offers a more detailed training program.

Affiliate and Bonus Programs

SVIKK Academy has both an affiliate and a bonus program. The affiliate program offers rewards for attracting new clients and selling company products. Partners receive 25% of each of their own sales and 10% of their referral’s sales.

The bonus program involves rewards for participation in the learning process and activity on the forum. Bonus points can only be spent at a partner company, which is a specific condition.

Academy Reviews

There are many active discussions on the academy’s forum, but it is worth noting that participation on the forum is financially rewarded. Real user reviews point out issues with payment, receiving promised materials, and pressure from coaches. Many participants express doubts about the effectiveness of education within SVIKK Academy.


SVIKK Academy offers educational programs at a cost, but some of them raise doubts about their content and effectiveness. The closed nature of customer interactions and the emphasis on affiliate programs raise questions about the transparency of the company’s activities. It is important to carefully study the information and reviews before deciding to collaborate with SVIKK Academy.