
Main information about Trendi Live company

Trendi Live is a brokerage company providing access to financial markets for trading liquid assets. The website features buttons for registration and login to the personal account.

The company does not disclose information about the country of registration, legal documents, financial regulators, platform launch date, owners, and executives. Contact information is not available, and there are no official documents confirming the legality of the broker’s operations.

Trading instruments and platforms of Trendi Live

Information about the trading platform is not disclosed. It is assumed that the company uses its own software. The platform offers CFD contracts, currency pairs, indices, securities, metals, commodities, futures, and stock indices.

Trading accounts at Trendi Live

The company categorizes clients into 3 categories: standard users with a deposit of 10,000 euros, VIP traders with investments ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 euros, and premium clients with deposits exceeding 50,000 euros. Premium account servicing is free, VIP clients have a 50 euro commission, and standard clients have a 90 euro commission.

Account funding and withdrawals

There is no information on the broker’s financial policy, payment services for deposit/withdrawal, transaction fees, and withdrawal conditions on the website. The “Client Agreement” provides general data without specifics.


It is questionable to collaborate with a company that does not confirm its legality and does not provide complete information. It is recommended to pay attention to reviews from real clients before making a decision.