Tsentr besplatnoy yuridicheskoy pomoshchi

About the Free Legal Aid Center

ProblemSolvingCompany – is a legal consultation center designed to provide assistance to the population on all issues in the field of law, jurisprudence, and finance. Free consultations are available to citizens of the Russian Federation. The official website problemsolvingcompany.ru is presented as a single-page platform in Russian.

Information about the Center

The owner of the center is the legal company “Law is Law”. The general director of the firm is Ozimok M.V. The firm’s address is 191025, St. Petersburg, Vosstaniya Street, Building 4, Office 1. The company’s details (OGRN, INN, and KPP) are available on the website.

Center’s Services

  • Consultations on various legal issues, including insolvency of individuals, family relations, fraud, inheritance disputes, and others.
  • Consultation with a car lawyer and attorney.

Technical Support

Contact information:

  • Email address: ozimokdv@gmail.com.
  • Hotline phone: +7 (812) 579-99-95 (calls are accepted 24/7).

The website provides a form to ask a question to a specialist. A response is expected within 7 minutes. Users agree to the processing of their data.


Before contacting the center, it is recommended to read reviews about ProblemSolvingCompany. Evaluating feedback will help form an opinion about the project’s work and the competence of the staff.