United Tradingip

Information about the company “United Tradingip”

Broker “United Trading And Investment Partnership Llp” is presented as a company of British origin, but there is no documentary evidence to support this claim. The company’s official registration documentation is conducted in the territory of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, with a license from the FSC Mauritius regulator.

Trading instruments and platforms

Clients are offered the opportunity to trade currency pairs, securities, stock indices, and precious metals. Access is provided through the WebTrader online terminal.

Trading accounts

Information on trading conditions is limited, with no mention of account types, minimum deposit size, spreads, leverage, and other important parameters.

Deposits and withdrawals

For deposits and withdrawals, clients can use SWIFT transfers or Visa and MasterCard credit/debit cards. Transaction fees are specified: 50 USD/GBP/EUR for bank transfers and 25 USD/GBP/EUR for cards. Minimum withdrawal amounts are also defined.


United Trading presents itself as a European broker, but it has an offshore origin and a license from an offshore regulator. The lack of important trading conditions on the website and high transaction fees are drawbacks. Client reviews can help understand the company’s operations.



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