UTA \ Universal’naya akademiya treydinga

Brief overview of Universal Trading Academy

The official website has versions in two languages: Russian and Ukrainian, which immediately outlines the target audience. Two phone numbers with Ukrainian and Russian codes are provided for contact: +7 925 144 34 56 and +38 089 320 33 33, as well as several messengers.

There is an offer agreement on the website with a signature: the performer is an individual entrepreneur Bazhenov Vladimir Viktorovich from Kyiv. The subject of the agreement is information and educational services provided in online and offline formats such as webinars, trainings, intensives, consultations, etc. There are no addresses or other contacts mentioned in the agreement or on the website.

It is difficult to determine the school’s operating experience. The main page states that the administration has been earning on exchanges since 2008. This is a solid trading experience, but not in teaching. The claimed number of satisfied students at 700 shows that the administration’s teaching experience is significantly less.

What UTA Universal Trading Academy offers

Here they understand that the market is full of educational offers, and to attract the target audience, something special is needed. Let’s see what they promise here.

The main advertising slogan greets visitors on the main page. They promise to teach a universal system of knowledge for further trading on exchanges with low risk. The mention of low, rather than zero risks, seems reasonable. However, the existence of universal systems for all market conditions raises serious doubts. We are writing a review of these courses in September 2020, when the financial world was turned upside down by the pandemic and the footsteps of a global economic crisis are clearly heard. It is difficult to imagine even theoretically the existence of systems that work equally effectively in crisis and calm economic periods.

  • Profitability: promise of the opportunity to earn from $1,000 per month and increase income in the future.
  • Accessibility of material presentation, explanation of complex concepts in simple terms.
  • Flexibility: ability to study online from anywhere in the world and at any time.
  • Effectiveness: promised successful trading, and even account management by the company, without the need for personal financial investments from the student.

Educational programs offered by Universal Trading Academy UTA

The school offers three modular programs.

  • Basic package. 20 lessons, promising foundational knowledge that builds into a market understanding system. The course is designed for a 15-day intensive with knowledge audits at each stage. Access to a professional community of active traders will be provided.
  • Full package. Designed for 30 days of intensive learning. After completing it, awareness of actions and stable income are promised. The course includes 4 universal strategies promising high profitability, as well as 4 real-time live trading sessions with a professional. Plus knowledge audits at each level.
  • Exclusive course. Traditional 30-day intensive, but with the most comprehensive program. The package includes 10 individual sessions with an expert, some of which will focus on live trading. 30 thematic lessons, studying all the nuances of stock trading, and four universal strategies.

Reviews of ut.academy

Vladimir Bazhenov writes that he has been teaching trading since 2012. For such experience, there are very few independent reviews. A small portion of positive comments closely resemble promotion through a partnership program, which is implemented here in a classic MLM scheme: paying percentages of amounts spent by referrals. Among the small number of reviews, the majority are negative. Experienced traders harshly criticize the idea of universal strategies, which are the cornerstone of the legend here.

People also note that the school constantly recommends contacting a specific company, whose name you come across on the website at every step, even in the F.A.Q. section. We show it in the screenshot.


Definite negative for hiding the price. And for the fact that the school generously promises the impossible: mythical universal strategies, profit guarantees. At the same time, the offer agreement text states that trading is a high-risk area and the service provider bears no responsibility for the financial results of its students.

The company to which this school shamelessly supplies clients is highly questionable. It offers to manage real accounts to graduates of two-week courses and to anyone interested. However, they must first pass a mini-exam: show results on their own investments of at least $700, after which the company may entrust them with managing their own account.

We do not recommend engaging with courses that make unrealistic promises and strongly recommend consulting a specific broker or investment company.