
Information about the broker “uTrader”

The broker “uTrader” is a well-known participant in the binary options market, with a high level of attention to the needs of its clients.

Broker’s Features

  • Clear and simple trading platform
  • Extensive analytics and technical support
  • Educational materials and webinars for traders
  • Licensed activities and regulation by CRFIN and CySEC

Company’s History

The company was founded in 2011 and became one of the first to provide access to binary options in Russia.

Trading Platform “uTrader”

The platform provides clients with access to a wide range of binary options and instruments:

  • Currencies, stock indices, stocks, and commodities
  • Customizable trading menu and workspace
  • Simple trading algorithm and convenient personal account

Bonuses and Promotions

uTrader offers clients welcome bonuses depending on the deposit amount:

  • Starter status: 25% bonus for deposits from $250 to $1000
  • Silver status: 50% bonus for deposits from $1001 to $5000
  • Gold status: 75% bonus for deposits from $5001 to $25000
  • VIP status: 100% bonus for deposits of at least $25000

There are also promotions with a total prize pool of up to $30,000 and special trading signals provided for earning.



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