Brief information about the company W-PM

The company W-PM has solid professional experience since 2004. Specializes in providing a multifunctional trading and investment platform.

Main advantages of W-PM

  • Wide range of financial services
  • Licensing basis in Russia
  • Personalized approach to each client

Trading and investment conditions

W-PM brokerage services are represented by a wide range of opportunities:

  • Depository: Free storage of clients’ securities.
  • Exchange-traded funds: From currency pairs in Forex to IPOs.
  • Mutual funds: Investment service without opening an account.
  • Structured notes: Individual offer from company employees.

Investment opportunities of W-PM

Investment opportunities on the W-PM platform are attractive to a wide range of clients:

  • From 21,000 rubles: stocks, bonds, robo-advisor
  • From 250,000 rubles: structured products for qualified investors
  • From 800,000 rubles: personal advisor and analytical reviews
  • From 1 million rubles: capital management by a professional team

W Pay platform

The exclusive W Pay terminal provides all the necessary functions for successful trading and investing.

Account funding and withdrawal

W-PM offers fast withdrawal without commissions and reimbursement of the replenishment fee. Funds are withdrawn in Russian rubles.

Conclusion about W-PM

W-PM offers a variety of financial instruments and services for trading and investing, providing professional support and a personalized approach to clients. If interested in W-PM offers, consultation with financial experts can help choose the most suitable investment product.