Xelius Group

Information about Xelius Group Company

Xelius Group is not a broker and does not have a license, but provides service, educational, and consulting services in the field of trading. Founded in 2011 and registered as LLC “Xelius Trading”. The company’s office is located at 57 Dubininskaya Street, Building 1, Office 303 in the Moscow business center Brent City. You can contact them by email and by phone at +7 (495) 636-28-73 and +7-800-700-17-36 (call center).

“Trading to a Million” Course by Xelius Group

The “Trading to a Million” course is the company’s key educational course. Offered in an updated version 2.0, with a focus on practical skills and working trading strategies. Students will have the opportunity to communicate with instructors in a private chat. The course content includes basics of stock and futures markets, psychology of work, risk management, chart analysis, features of different terminals, and trading formations.

Educational Levels and Cost

  • “Standard” Group – 27,490 rubles, duration 3 weeks.
  • PRO Group – 59.9 thousand rubles, duration 6 weeks, includes bonuses and additional materials.
  • VIP Group – 79.9 thousand rubles, the most expensive option with maximum content and service.

Practice at xelius.ru at Your Own Expense

Trading practice is conducted at the client’s own expense. Students learn to use the Quik trading terminal and make transactions under the supervision of a mentor. The company does not recommend using demo accounts and suggests trading with real funds, which involves risks.

Reviews of Xelius Group Courses

The company’s official website features video reviews from successful course graduates. Reviews on independent platforms vary, but some express concerns regarding risks and company recommendations. Experienced traders emphasize the importance of caution when choosing education.


Xelius Group offers trading education with a focus on practical skills. The cost of courses varies depending on the level of education. It is recommended to carefully study all aspects of education and the risks associated with real investments.