Yard Capital Club

About Yard Capital Club

The company “Yard Capital Club” is a Russian enterprise with its headquarters located in Moscow. The office address is indicated on the company’s official website.

The website provides information on the company’s registration details:

  • Tax Identification Number (INN): 9702038989.
  • Code of Reason for Registration (KPP): 770201001.
  • Main State Registration Number (OGRN): 1217700574024.

The website yardcapital.ru is available only in Russian.

Website Functionality

On the website, you can find two key documents: “Offer Agreement” and “Service Delivery Method.” They are presented in the footer of the website, and it is recommended to review them before collaborating with Yard Capital Club.

The advantages of the company include:

  • Having 20 years of experience in the real estate sector.
  • A team of professionals.
  • Own community of investors.
  • Organizing various events for participants.

The company’s management includes Andrey Budnik, Veronika Khatskevich, and Yevgeny Babich.

Investment Offers

Yard Capital Club invests in real estate. Currently, the following projects are available:

  • Yard Village, Novaya Riga – from 15 million rubles, with a return of over 100%.
  • Mansion, Marxistskaya Street 18 – from 5 million rubles, with a return of over 100%.
  • Apartments, “Moscow City” – from 25 million rubles, with a return of over 100%.

Details about the projects are available on the company’s website.

Registration and Login

To start collaborating with Yard Capital Club, you need to fill out a form on the website. After submitting the application, a manager will contact you for further details.

Deposits and Withdrawals

Information on financial operations is not provided on the website. The terms and methods of investing and receiving profits require clarification.


You can assess the profitability and safety of collaborating with Yard Capital Club based on client reviews. It is recommended to consult an independent expert for additional guidance.



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