You Fiat Trade

Information about the company “You Fiat Trade”

The financial company named “You Fiat Trade” offers its clients to invest together with an advanced broker. According to the information, the company has been successfully operating in the financial markets for over 15 years.

Registration and Licensing

The company states that it is registered in the UK. There is no information about regulators’ activities, no registration certificate is provided. Only the company’s internal rules are known.

Technical Support

In case traders have any questions, technical support is available. For communication, the organization provides a phone number: +447462970809, email address: [email protected]. It is also possible to visit the company’s central office at: 9 97 Rickman Drive, Birmingham, B15 2AL.

Trading Instruments and Platforms

“You Fiat Trade” offers a wide range of trading instruments – cryptocurrencies, currency assets, precious metals, stock indices, commodities, and securities. For trading, you can use the company’s branded multi-asset platform.

Trading Accounts

  • Standart, with a minimum deposit of $250;
  • Bronze, with a minimum deposit of $2,500;
  • Silver, with a minimum deposit of $10,000;
  • Gold, with a minimum deposit of $50,000;
  • Platinum, with a minimum deposit of $100,000;
  • VIP, with a minimum deposit of $230,000.

The broker offers favorable trading conditions with various types of accounts.

Deposit and Withdrawal of Funds

To register an account and top up the balance, clients are offered to use convenient payment methods. Funds can be transferred via credit and debit cards, electronic wallets.


The company “You Fiat Trade” provides a comfortable and reliable trading environment. It is important to assess all risks with the help of an experienced lawyer before registering with the company.



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1 Comment

  1. Your performance as a broker has been quite unsatisfactory, failing to meet my investment expectations.


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